West Godavari Revenue Department Recruitment 2016 – Village Revenue Assistant Posts :West Godavari, Revenue Department, Govt of Andhra Pradesh has published notification regarding the Vacancy 2016 about 23 vacant positions for Village Revenue Assistant (VRA) vacancies by direct recruitment through the District Selection Committee. Interested candidates may apply online from 20-04-2016 to 05-05-2016. More details see below..

West Godavari Revenue Vacancies Details:

bltLast date : 16-04-2016

Name of the Post: Village Revenue Assistant (VRA)

Age Limit: No person shall be eligible if he is less than ‘18’ years and more than ‘40’ years of age on the 1st day of july of the year in which the notification for selection is made.

Age relaxation:- 5 years for ST, 10 years for PH, 3 years for Ex-Servicemen candidates.

Educational Qualification: Must have passed S.S.C (10th Class) Examination conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent Examination

Selection Process: The Selection of candidates is based on a objective type Written Test for 100 Marks at S.S.C.(10th class) level.

Pay Scale : – Rs.6,000/- Honorarium and other allowances as fixed by Government from time to time.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs.100/- for ST category (i.e. 50% fee consession) by E-Seva/ Mee-Seva/ AP Online centers.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply online through the website www.westgodavari.org from 20-04-2016 to 05-05-2016.

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