Village Revenue Officer 22 Vacancies in West Godavari Revenue Department : Government of Andhra Pradesh, Revenue Department has published notification regarding the special district selection committee recruitment for the merged revenue mandals and villages of khammam district (in scheduled agency areas)for ST category) and for kukunoor village general category Vacancy 2016 about 22 vacant positions for Village Revenue Officer vacancies on direct recruitment. Interested candidates can apply online from 20-04-2016 to 05-05-2016. More details see below..

Village Revenue Officer 22 Vacancies Details:

Total Posts: 22
bltLast date : 05-05-2016

Name of the Post: Village Revenue Officer

Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-40 years as on 01-07-2016. Age relaxation 05 years is applicable to ST candidates, 10 for PH, 03 for Ex-Servcemen.

Educational Qualification: Must have passed Intermediate Examination conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Intermediate Examination or its equivalent Examination.

Selection Process: The Selection of candidates is based on a objective type Written Test for 100 Marks at Intermediate level.

Pay Scale : – Rs.16,400/- to 49,870/- as per PRC-2015.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 300/- (Rs.100/- for ST category) by E-Seva/ Mee-Seva/ AP Online centers. No fee for OH/ VH/ HI category candidates.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply online through the website from 20-04-2016 to 05-05-2016.

Downloading of Hall Tickets : –The Hall Ticket can be download from the website from 12.05.2016 to till 9:00 AM on 02.02.2014.

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