VPKAS Recruitment 2016 – 12 Research Associate, SRF, JRF, Field Staff Vacancy : ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), Almora has published notification regarding the VPKAS Vacancy 2016 about 12 vacant positions for Research Associate , Senior Research Fellow, Field Staff, Junior Research Fellow vacancies on purely temporary and time bound positions. Interested candidates may Apply in prescribed format with in 20 days. More details see below..

VPKAS – 12 Research Associate, SRF, JRF, Field Staff Posts Details:

Total Posts: 12
bltInterview date : 25.05.2016

Name of the Posts:

  1. Research Associate : 01 post
  2. Senior Research Fellow : 07 posts
  3. Field Staff :  03 posts
  4. Junior Research Fellow : 01 post

Age Limit : – Maximum age 40 years for men and 45  years for woman (Research Associate). Maximum age 35 years for men and 40  years for woman (SRF). Maximum age 27 years for YP.  Age relaxable for candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC/ Physical Handicapped/Visually Handicapped and Female Candidates as govt. rules.

Educational Qualification:

(i) Ph.D. in Business Management / Life Sciences/ Agril. Economics/ Information Technology for post 1.

(ii) M.Sc./M. Tech in Agricultural Biotechnology/Biotechnology /Genetics and Plant Breeding/Life Sciences with 4 years/5 years of bachelor degree for post 2.

(iii) Intermediate For post 3.

(iv) Post Graduate Degree (04 years bachelor degree and two years master degree) in Agronomy/Horticulture/Plant Breeding/Soil Science/Vegetable Science/Plant Pathology/Entomology/ Agricultural Extension For post 4.

Selection Process: Selection will be based on Interview.

How to Apply:-  The Interested and eligible candidate fulfilling the above qualifications are invited to appear for walk in interview along with the prescribed format of application on 25.05.2016 (Wednesday) at 10:00 AM at ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora – 263601(Uttarakhand) along with the application, Bio-Data affixing a self attested recent passport size photograph and enclosing self attested copies of certificates in support of age (Class 10th Certificate), qualifications, experience.

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt.