Sikkim University Recruitment 2017 has published notification 04 Posts of Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow Jobs. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs in india. Interested Candidates may apply for Sikkim University Recruitment 2017 in prescribed format on or before 08.11.2016. More details like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, Pay Scale, Exam Pattern, Syllabus,  Admit Cards, Results, how to apply etc. see below..

About of Sikkim University : 

SIKKIM UNIVERSITY invites applications from Indian citizens for the following non-teaching posts on contract/temporary basis for its Centre for Endangered Languages (CEL) funded by the University Grants Commission. The posts are co-terminus with the project/Centre and the University shall have no liability towards the incumbents in the event of the UGC closing down the Centre or the project at any time.

Sikkim University Recruitment 2017 details:

Post Name Vacancy Salary
Research Associate 02 Rs 30, 000/-
Documentation Officer 01 Rs 30, 000/-
Technical Assistant Cum Archivist 01 Rs 25, 000/-

Age limit:

As per rules.

Educational Qualification:

For Research Associate : Good academic record with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade where grading system is practised at the Master’s degree level in Linguistics from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.

For Documentation Officer : Master’s degree from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.

For Technical Assistant Cum Archivist : MCA/M. Tech./ MLIS/etc. From recognised university.

Selection Process of recruitment :
Selection will be made on the basis of Written examination.

Application fees :

Candidates have to pay Rs. 300/ – (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates) through the bank draft in favour of Sikkim University payable at Gangtok

How to Submit Application form Sikkim University Recruitment :

Interested candidates may send their application in prescribed format duly filled, enclosing therewith a set of self attested photocopies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualification, age, category, experience etc., and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided should be sent in sealed cover superscribed “ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF____________“ so as to reach The Registrar Sikkim University 6th Mile Samdur PO Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim 737102.

Important Dates :-

  • Last Date for Submission of Application : 05.02.2017.

References for this recruitment:

Click here for Notification