RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Recruitment 2016 – 6468 Vacancy
RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Recruitment 2016 : Rajasthan Public service Commission (RPSC), Ajmer has published notification 6468 Posts of Second Grade Teacher (Adhyapak) Vacancy. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs at Rajasthan. Eligible and Interested candidates may Apply online through the website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in form 25.07.2016 to 31.08.2016.
RPSC is on a look out for young professionals, the new opportunities available for who are looking jobs for Second Grade Teacher (Adhyapak) Posts. More details of RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Recruitment 2016 like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, Pay Scale, Exam Pattern, Syllabus , Admit Cards ,Results, how to apply etc. see below..
RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Recruitment 2016 Details:
Total : 6468 Posts
Last date : 31-08-2016
Name of the Post: II Grade Teacher
Subject Wise Posts :
Subject | Non -TSP | TSP | Saharia | Total |
Hindi | 1068 | 198 | 03 | 1269 |
English | 462 | 164 | 00 | 626 |
Maths | 217 | 225 | 00 | 442 |
Science | 158 | 90 | 00 | 248 |
Social Science | 1325 | 202 | 04 | 1531 |
Sanskrit | 2083 | 202 | 10 | 2295 |
Urdu | 39 | 00 | 00 | 39 |
Punjabi | 18 | 00 | 00 | 18 |
Age Limit:
Candidates age should be in between 18 to 35 years as on 01-01-2017. Age relaxation 5 years for SC/ST /OBC (Male) Category, 10 years for SC/ST /OBC (Female) Category, 05 years for General Woman.
Educational Qualification:
For Hindi / English / Maths / Sanskrit / Urdu / Punjabi Subjects. : Candidates should have completed Graduate or equivalent examination with concerned subject as Optional Subject, and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
For Science Subject : Graduate or equivalent examination with at least two of the following subjects as Optional Subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro Biology, Bio Technology and Bio Chemistry and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
For Social Science Subject : Graduate or equivalent examination with at least two subjects out of thesubjects –History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy as optional subjects and Degree or Diploma in education recognized by Government of Rajasthan.
For All subjects : Working knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.
Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written exam conducted by Rajasthan Public service Commission, Ajmer.
Pay Scale :
- Rs. 9300-34800 with grad pay Rs.4200 per month.
How to Apply:
Eligible and Interested candidates may Apply online through the website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in form 25.07.2016 to 31.08.2016. Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification ,deposit the application fee. After successful submission take a print out of system generated application for further process of this recruitment.
Important Dates:
- Starting date of Online Application Submission: 25-07-2016.
- Starting date of Online Application Submission: 31-08-2016.
- Last date of Online Application Submission for Male : 29-07-2016.
- Last date of Modify the online application form: 01-09-2016 to 15.09.2016.
References for this recruitment:
Click Here for Recruitment Advt
Click here for Apply Online
Scheme and syllabus of competitive examination for RPSC 2nd Grad Teacher
For the competitive examination for the post of senior teacher :-
1. The question paper will carry maximum 200 marks.
2. Duration of question paper will be 2.00 hours.
3. The question paper will carry 100 questions of multiple choices.
4. Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them :-
- Geographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan : 80 marks.
- Current Affairs of Rajasthan : 20 mark.
- General knowledge of world and India : 60 marks.
- Educational Psychology. : 40 marks
A. For the post of Senior Teacher:-
1. The question paper will carry maximum 300 marks.
2. Duration of question paper will be 2.00 Hours 30 Minutes
3. The question paper will carry 150 questions of multiple choices.
4. Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them :-
- Knowledge of secondary and senior secondary standard about relevant subject matter : 180 marks.
- knowledge of graduation standard about relevant subject matter : 80 marks.
- Teaching methods of relevant subject : 40 marks.
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