OPTCL Recruitment 2017: Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited has published notification 130 Posts of Management & Junior Management Trainee Jobs. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs in india. Interested Candidates may apply online for OPTCL Management & Junior Management Recruitment 2017 through the website www.optcl.co.in  from 30.11.2016 to 29.12.2016. More details like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, Pay Scale, Exam Pattern, Syllabus,  Admit Cards, Results, how to apply etc. see below..

About OPTCL : 

Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited(OPTCL), a State owned Power Utility in Odisha is engaged in the business of Transmission of electricity with a vision to emerge as one of the leading power utilities in the country in Transmission space. The present asset value of the Corporation is about Rs.3000 Crores. OPTCL is looking for young, dynamic and committed professionals to be inducted as Trainees in Electrical, Civil, IT and HRD discipline.

Advertisement Number: 02 /2016

OPTCL Recruitment 2017 details:

Post Name Vacancy Salary
MT-ELECTRICAL 100 Rs.15600-39100+ GP Rs.5400/-
MT-IT 07
JR.MT-IT 03 Rs.9300- 34800+ GP Rs.4600/-

Age limit:

Candidate must not be under 21 (twenty one) years of age and must not be above 32 (thirty two) years as on 1st November, 2016 i.e. she/ he must not have been born earlier than 1 st November, 1984, and not later than 2 nd November, 1995.

Educational Qualification:

For Management Trainee  : Degree in Civil/ Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering/Computer Science/ Information Technology with at least 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized University/ Institution or Full time PG Degree/Diploma of two years duration in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations and Labour welfare/ HRD/ HRM/ PM&IR/ MBA with specialization.

For Junior Management Trainee : B.Sc (IT)/ BCA or Diploma in Information Technology Engineering / Computer Science Engineering with at least 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized University/ Institution or Diploma in Civil Engineering in regular mode with at least 60% marks in aggregate.

Selection Process of recruitment :
Selection will be made on the basis of Computer based online test (CBT) and Personal Interview.

Application Fee :

Candidates have to pay Rs.1000/- for UR & SEBC & SC/ST/PWD Candidates Have to pay Rs.500/-  through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking OR Off-line payment mode by ICICI Bank Challan.

How to Submit Application form OPTCL Recruitment 2017:

Interested Candidates may apply Online through the website www.optcl.co.in  from 30.11.2016 to 29.12.2016. Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification, deposit the application fee. After successful submission take a print out of system generated application for further process of this recruitment.

Important Dates :-

  • Starting Date for Submission of Online Application : 30.11.2016
  • Last Date for Submission of Online Application : 29.12.2016
  • Tentative Date of Online Examination : 2nd/ 3rd week of February

References for this recruitment:

Click here for Management & Junior Management Notification

Click here for OPTCL Vacancy Apply Online

OPTCL Recruitment 2016: Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited has published notification 100 Posts for Office Assistant GRADE-III (Trainee). Jobs on Contractual basis. OPTCL is on a look out for young professionals, the new opportunities available at the level of 100 Office Assistant Recruitment. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs at Odisha. Interested candidates may apply online through the website www.optcl.co.in from 28.06.2016 to 27-07-2016. More details like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, how to apply etc. see below..

OPTCL Recruitment 2016 Details:

Total : 100 Posts
Last date : 27-07-2016

Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited

Name of the Post: Office Assistant GRADE-III (Trainee)

1. UR : 51 posts
2. SEBC : 11 Posts
3. ST : 22 posts
4. SC : 16 posts

Age Limit: Candidates age should be in between 21 to 32 years as on 01-01-2016. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of SC, ST, SEBC and Woman candidates and 10 (ten) years in case of PWD Candidates

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have completed candidate Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or possess such other qualification equivalent there to. ii. And the candidate must have adequate knowledge in computer application

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT) and Skill Test (Practical) conducted by Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited.

Pay Scale: Rs.5200- 20,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 2830/- with other allowances as per OPTCL Regulations.

Application Fee: Candidates have to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only and Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) of Odisha only, PWD candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty) only. Fee can be pay through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking and Off-line payment mode by ICICI Bank Challan.

How to Apply for OPTCL Recruitment 2016 :

Interested candidates may apply online through the website www.optcl.co.in from 28.06.2016 to 27-07-2016.  Fill the application form as per guidelines provided in notification ,deposit the application fee. After successful submission take a print out of system generated application for further process of this recruitment.

Instructions to Apply Online:

  1. Applicants are first required to go to the website www.optcl.co.in
  2. Read all details carefully than apply online.
  3. Candidates can apply online by clicking on the “apply” button.
  4. On clicking “proceed” button system asks for candidate’s personal information, Fill all details.
  5. Candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph, signature.
  6. Click on “submit” button at bottom of the page.
  7. Take print out of application form for future reference.

Important Dates:

  • Starting date of Online Application Submission: 28.06.2016, 11 AM
  • Last date of Online Application Submission : 27.07.2016, 7 PM

References for this recruitment:

Click Here for Recruitment Advt

Apply Online