MSPCL Recruitment 2016 – 680 Control Room Assistant, JSA & other Vacancy : Manipur State Power Company Limited  (MSPCL), lmphal has published notification regarding the MSPCL Vacancy 2016 about 680 Posts vacant positions for Control Room Assistant, Junior System Assistant & Watchman cum Cleaning Assistant vacancies on direct recruitment. Interested candidates may Apply in prescribed format on or before 10.06.2016.More details see below..

MSPCL – 680 Control Room Assistant, JSA & other Posts Details:

Total Posts: 680
bltLast date : 10.06.2016

Name of the Post: 

Control Room Assistant : 240 Posts

  1. UR : – 122 Posts
  2. OBC (M) : 30 Posts
  3. OBC (MP) : 09 Posts
  4. OBC (Teli, Badi, Nepali etc) : 01 Post
  5. ST : 74 Posts
  6. SC : 04 Posts
  7. PwD : 07 Posts

Junior System Assistant : 210 Posts

  1. UR : – 106 Posts
  2. OBC (M) : 26 Posts
  3. OBC (MP) : 08 Posts
  4. OBC (Teli, Badi, Nepali etc) : 01 Post
  5. ST : 65 Posts
  6. SC : 04 Posts
  7. PwD : 07 Posts

Watchm an cum Cleaning Assistant : 230 Posts

  1. UR : – 117 Posts
  2. OBC (M) : 28 Posts
  3. OBC (MP) : 09 Posts
  4. OBC (Teli, Badi, Nepali etc) : 01 Post
  5. ST : 71 Posts
  6. SC : 04 Posts
  7. PwD : 07 Posts

Age Limit: Candidates age not be less than 18 years and not more than 38 years as on 01.06.2016. Relaxation for candidates of 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for persons with Disability ( 15 years for SCs/STs and ’13 years for OBCs ).

Educational Qualification: 
(i) Matriculate/HSlC or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board and Electrician/ Wireman Trade certificate from a recognized institute or higher qualification in Electrical Engineering for post 1.

(ii) Matriculate /HSLC or its equivalent from a recognised University/Board for post 2,3.

Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in his/her academic career in Class X, Certificate Course/Diploma/Degree and Personality test.


Scale Pay : –  Rs.(5200-20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1900 for post 1.  Rs (4440-7440) + Grade Pay Rs.1650 for post 2. Rs.(4440-7440) + Grade Pay Rs 1300 for post 3.

Application Fee : Candidates should have to pay fee of Rs.200/- for UR/OBC candidates and Rs.50/- for SC/ST/OBC candidates respectively in cash to the Receipt/lssue counter of MSPCL, corporate office, Keishampat, lmphal West-795001. Examination fee will be exempted for pH candidates.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with two recent passport size photograph pasted on it, along with self-attested copies of certificates, date of birth, qualification and application fee etc. an envelope should be superscribed as the “Application for the Post of _________” sent to the office MSPCL, Electricity Complex, Keishampat lmphal- 795001, Manipur on or before 10.06.2016.

Important Dates :-

Last date for Application Submission :- 10.06.2016

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt.

bltApplication form for Control Room Assistant

bltApplication form for Junior System Assistant

bltApplication form for Watchman cum Cleaning Assistant