Ministry of finance Recruitment 2016 – 08 Stenographer, Recovery Inspector & other Vacancy : Ministry of finance, Department of Financial Services, Debt recovery tribunal (DRT), Ernakulam has published notification regarding the 08 Posts vacant positions for Stenographer, Recovery Inspector, Accounts Assistant, UDC, LDC vacancies under Central Governmen/State Govemment or in Court. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs in Ministry of finance. Interested candidates may Apply in prescribed format from 02.05.2016 to 13.07.2016. More details see below..

Ministry of finance – 08 Accounts Assistant,  UDC, LDCPosts  Details:

Total Posts:08
bltLast date : 13.07.2016

Advt. No. No.3/1/2010-DR

Name of the Post: 

  1. Stenogr4pher Grade ‘C’ :01 post
  2. Recovery Inspector : 01 post
  3. Accounts Assistant : 01 post
  4. UDC : 01 post
  5. Steno Grade ‘D’ : 01 post
  6. LDC : 03 posts

Age Limit: Candidates should be below the age of 56 years as on 13.07.2016. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy layer) candidates.

Qualification/Experience: Officers in the Central Govt./State Govt. or in Courts holding analogous posts on regular basis or Stenographers Grade ‘D’ with eight years’ regular service in the Pay Band of Rs.5200- 20200 GP 2400 or equivalent for post 1.

(ii) officers holding analogous ) posts in Central Government/State Government or in Courts and having degree from a recognized University or Court Masters with eight years’ regular service in :he Pay Band of Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay is.2400 or equivalent. for post 2.

(iii) Officers of the Central Government holding analogous posts on regular basis or with three years regular service in the pay Scale of Rs.5000-8000 (Pre-revised) or for post 3.

(iv) Officers in Central Govt./State Govt. or in courts holding analogous posts on regular basis; or with five years regular service as LDC in the Pay Band of Rs.5200-20200 GP 1900 or equivalent ‘ and possessing Matriculation with a speed of 80 words per minute in short hand (English) and 30 words per minute in typing (English)  for post 4.

(v) Officers in Central Govt./State Govt. or in courts holding analogous posts on regular basis; or with five years regular service as LDC for post 5.

(v) From amongst the Central Govt./State Govt. and employees of Courts/Tribunals holding analogous posts on regular basis for post 6.

Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on Experience / Interview .

Scale Pay : Rs.9300-34800 GP 4200 for post 1,2,3 per month. Rs.5200-20200 GP 2400 for post 4,5. Rs.5200-20200 GP 1900 for post 6.

Application Fee : No fee.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with CV, a recent passport size photograph, self-attested copies of certificates, date of birth, qualification and experience etc. an envelope should be superscribed as the “Application for the Post of __________” sent to Ministry of Finance Department of Financial Services, Debts Recovery Tribunal Ernakulam, 5th Floor, KSHB Office Complex, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi-682306.

Helpline No. : 0484-2324900

Important Dates :

  • Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 02.05.2016
  • Last Date For Submission Of Application : 13.07.2016

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Ministry of finance Recruitment 2016 – 06 Stenographer, Recovery Inspector & LDC Vacancy : Government of India Ministry of Finance Kolkata Debts Recovery Tribunal (DRT)-3  has published notification regarding the 06 Posts vacant positions for Stenographer, Recovery Inspector & LDC vacancies under Central Governmen/State Govemment or in Court. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs in govt of Ministry of finance. Interested candidates may Apply in prescribed format within 60 days from the date of publication of this notice in Employment News. More details see below..

Ministry of finance – 06 Stenographer, Recovery Inspector & LDC Posts Details:

Total Posts:06
bltLast date : 60 Days

Name of the Post: 

  1. Stenogr4pher Grade ‘C’ :02 posta
  2. Recovery Inspector : 01 post
  3. Lower Division Clerk : 03 posta

Age Limit: Candidates should be below the age of 56 years as on 13.07.2016. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy layer) candidates.

Qualification/Experience: Officers in the Central Government or State (iovrnmcnts or in Courts holding analogous posts on regular basis, or StenographerS. Grade ‘D’ with eight years’ regular service in the PR-I. (Its.5200-20200) plus GP Rs.2400/- for post 1.

(ii) holding analogous posts and possessing degree from a recognized University or Court Masters with eight years’ regular service in the PB-1, (Rs.5200-20200) or equivalent for post 2.

(iii) Employees of Central Government / State Government and employees of Courts / Tribunals holding analogous posts on regular basis or for post 3.

Selection process: Candidates will be selected based on Experience / Interview .

Scale Pay : Rs.9300-34800 GP 4200 for post 1,2 per month. Rs.5200-20200 GP 1900 for post 3.

Application Fee : No fee.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with CV, a recent passport size photograph, self-attested copies of certificates, date of birth, qualification and experience etc. an envelope should be superscribed as the “Application for the Post of __________” sent to  the Registrar-in-Charge, Kolkata Debts Recovery Tribunal -3, Jeevan Sudha Building, 8th Floor, 42 t, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata — 700 071 within 60 days from the date of publication of this notice in Employment News.

Important Dates :

  • Last Date For Submission Of Application : within 60 days from the date of publication of this notice in Employment News.

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