Karnatak University Recruitment 2017 : Karnatak University, Dharwad has published notification 01 Posts of Lab Assistant Jobs. This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs in india. Interested Candidates may apply in prescribed format on or before 30.11.2017. More details like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, Pay Scale, Exam Pattern, Syllabus,  Admit Cards, Results, how to apply etc. see below..

Karnatak University Recruitment 2017 details:

Post Name Vacancy Salary
Technical Engineer (USIC) 01 Rs.20000-36300
Nurse 01 Rs.17650-32000
Senior Technical Assistant (Statistics Dept.) 01
Asst. Horticulture Officer (Garden Dept.) 01
Junior Technical Assistant 01
Laboratory Assistant 02 Rs.14550-26700
Lab. Technician 01 Rs.14550-26700
Horticulture Asst. 01 Rs.12500-24000
Binder 01 Rs.11600-21000
Carpenter 03 Rs.11600-21000

Age limit:

Candidates age should be 18 to 35 years. Age Relaxation for 05 years for SC/ST Candidates and 03 years for OBC Candidates.

Educational Qualification:

For Laboratory Assistant : A Degree in Science.

For Carpenter  (Engineering Department)/ (Central Workshop)/ (Guest House) : A pass in SSLC or A pass in the trade test conducted by the University will be given to a Candidate holding a certificate in Carpentry.

For Binder :  SSLC with experience in binding work.

For Carpenter : A pass in the trade test conducted by the University. Preference will be given to a
candidate holding a certificate in Carpentry. experience in the field.

Selection Process of recruitment :

Selection will be made on the basis of Interview.

Application fee : 

Candidates have to pay Rs. 800/- (for General & others Candidates) & Rs. 400/- (for SC/ST/Cat-I/Physically Disabled) through challan/ a Crossed Demand Draft in favour of the FINANCE OFFICER, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD payable at K.U. Campus.

How to Submit Application form Karnatak University Recruitment :

Interested candidates may send their application in prescribed format duly filled, enclosing therewith a set of self attested photocopies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualification, age, category, experience etc., and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided, A self-addressed stamped envelope (28 x 12 cms) duly affixing Rs. 50/- postal stamp should be sent in sealed cover superscribed “ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF____________“ so as to reach the Registrar, Karnatka University, Dharwad-580003 on or before 30.11.2017.

Important Dates :-

  • Last Date for Submission of Application : 30.11.2017.

References for this recruitment:

Click here for Notification

Click here for Application form