IIHT Recruitment 2016 – Lab Asst & Attendant Vacancy:- Government of India, Ministry of Textiles, Indian Institute of Handloom Technology (IIHT), Bargarh has published notification regarding the IIHT Vacancy 2016 about 04 vacant positions for Lab Assistant (Processing), Lab Attendant (Processing, Weaving) vacancies on direct recruitment basis. Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application format within 45 days and 52 days for remote areas from the date of advertisement. More details see below..

IIHT – 04 Lab Assistant Posts Details:

Total Posts: 04
bltLast date : With in 45 days

Name of the Post: Group C
1. Lab Assistant (Processing): 01 Post
2. Lab Attendant (Weaving): 02 Posts
3. Lab Attendant (Processing): 01 Post

Age Limit: Candidates age should be below 30 years as on last date of receipt of application. Age relaxation is applicable up to 40 years for Government servants as per government rules.

Educational Qualification:

(i) Lab Assistant (Processing):-  Three years Diploma in Handloom Technology or Three years Diploma in Handloom & Textile Technology with Post Diploma in Textile Chemistry or Textile Processing or three years Diploma in Textile Chemistry.

(ii) Lab Attendant (Weaving): – Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board or University with at least two years experience in winding, warping and other operations related to weaving.

(iii) Lab Attendant (Processing): – Matriculate or its equivalent with two years experience in a reputed process house involved in Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing.

Scale of Pay : – PB-1 of Rs.5200 -20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/- for post 1, PB-1 of Rs.5200 -20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/- for post 2, 3.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written & practical test.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with attested copies of degree certificate, date of birth certificate, testimonials, experience certificate, caste certificate, medical certificate, Demand Draft in an envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of ___________________ ” by hand/ post to The office of Director, lndian Institute of Handloom Technology, Khedapali, Bhatli Road, PO Bardol, Bargarh-768 038 (Odisha) within 45 days and 52 days for remote areas from the date of advertisement.

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form