APSRTC West Godavari Region Recruitment 2016 : Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) West Godavari Region has published notification 153 Posts for Drivers, Mechanic Grade, Blacksmith Grade, Tyre Mechanic Grade & Trimmer Jobs on contract basis under SC/ ST category.  This is very good news for the candidates who are looking for jobs at Andhra Pradesh. Interested candidates may apply in prescribed format on or before 25-07-2016. More details like age limit, selection procedure, educational qualification, Category wise post, how to apply etc. see below..

APSRTC West Godavari Region Recruitment 2016 Details:

Total : 153 Posts
bltLast date : 25-07-2016

Name of the Post: 
1. Driver: 149 Posts
2. Mechanic Grade: 02 Posts
3. Blacksmith Grade: 01 Post
4. Tyre Mechanic Grade: 01 Post
5. Trimmer: 01 Post

Age Limit: Candidates age should be in between 22 to 45 years for Drivers as on 01-07-2016. Age relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen candidates as per rule / Govt. directives in this regard.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have a valid Licence for Driving HPMV/ HGV or Transport Vehicle continuously for a period of not less than 18 months on last date of submission of application for post 1 & ITI in concerned discipline for post 2 to 5. must be able to read and write a Regional Language Telugu or Urdu.

Height: 160 cms (minimum)

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Driving Test/ Physical Measurements Test and Documents verification conducted by Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) West Godavari Region.

Pay Scale: Rs. 13,700 per month.

Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 100/- at the concerned office.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with a recent passport size photograph pasted on it, self-attested copies of certificates, date of birth, qualification and experience etc.  two self addressed envelope 20 x10 cm & envelope should be superscribed as the Application for the post of __________ Sent by Ordinary Post / Registered Post / Speed Post  to Office of the Regional Manager, APSRTC, West Godavari Region from 08.07.2016 to 25.07.2016.

Important Dates :-

  • Last Date for Submission of Application: 25.07.2016.

References for this recruitment:

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt