Andhra University Recruitment 2016 – 02 JRF & Project Fellow Vacancy : Department of Geophysics/ Center for Studies on Bay of Bengal, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam has published notification regarding the Andhra University Vacancy 2016 about 03 vacant positions for Junior Research Fellow & Project Fellow vacancies on temporary basis for the project entitled “Development of the frame work for networking programme on Village Information System(VIS)”. Interested candidates can apply in the prescribed application format on or before 10-05-2016. More details see below..

Andhra University – 02 JRF & Project Fellow Posts Details:

Total Posts: 02
bltLast date : 10.05.2016

Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification:

(i) Candidates should possess st Class with M.Sc(Tech)/M.Sc Geophysics/Marine Geophysics/Hydrology/M.Tech in Remote Sensing/Geoengineering/Civil Engineering/Geo-informatics or equivalent and qualified in NET JRF/NET lectureship/GATE. Experience in Remote sensing data interpretation, handling GIS packages along with undertaking collection of data for Village information are desirable fro post 1.

(ii) A graduate preferably with science back ground are desirable. Candidates showing interest in collecting village information through field work are preferred for post 2.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

Emoluments : – Rs.30,000/- inclusive of HRA for post 1, Rs.10, 000/-  for post 2.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may submit their bio-data along with photocopies of the qualifying degree and marks lists and communication information including e-mail and mobile numbers to “Prof P.Rama Rao, PI, DST-NRDMS Project, C/o. Centre for Studies on Bay of Bengal, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam – 530 003” on or before 10-05-2016.

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt.

Andhra University Recruitment 2016 – 02 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy : Department of Geophysics/ Center for Studies on Bay of Bengal, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam has published notification regarding the Andhra University Vacancy 2016 about 03 vacant positions for Junior Research Fellow vacancies under the project “Sir Arthur Cotton Geo spatial Chair Professor”on annual basis. Interested candidates can apply in the prescribed application format on or before 10-05-2016. More details see below..

Andhra University – 02 Junior Research Fellow Posts Details:

Total Posts: 02
bltLast date : 10.05.2016

Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess M.Sc. Tech / M.Sc Geophysics/ Geology/ Meteorology/ related subject or B.E/ B.Tech/ ME/ M.Tech in Civil Engineering/ Geo-Engineering/ Remote Sensing/ Geo informatics.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

Emoluments : – Rs.16,500/- (Consolidated)

How to Apply: Interested candidates may submit their bio-data along with photocopies of the qualifying degree and marks lists and communication information including e-mail and mobile numbers to “Dr. P. Rajendra Prasad, Sir Arthur Cotton Geospatial Chair Professor, Department of Geophysics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam – 530 003” through Email to [email protected], or [email protected] or [email protected] on or before 10-05-2016.

bltClick here for Recruitment Advt.